November 27, 2017

YTHS Bylaws

Yuki Teikei (有季定型) Haiku Society Bylaws

Adopted 18 November 2018; Revised August 2020

Section 1. Name

The name of the organization is the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society (formerly the Yukuharu Haiku Society—English-Language Division), hereinafter referred to as the Haiku Society or the Society in these Bylaws. This Haiku Society was founded in 1975 as a nonprofit organization.

Section 2. Purposes

The purposes of this Haiku Society are:

  1. To encourage the creation and appreciation of traditional yuki teikei (有季定型) haiku and its evolution in the English language.
  2. To provide a platform for the sharing and study of haiku and related forms.
  3. To facilitate international cultural exchange.

Section 3. Membership

Any person or organization interested in the purposes of the Haiku Society shall be eligible for membership. Classes of membership in the Society shall be as follows:

  1. Active—Any person whose dues are in good standing.
  2. Student—Any person, Grade 12 or under, whose dues are in good standing.
  3. Founding—Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi.
  4. Dojin—A member who dues are in good standing and who has met the Society’s requirements for dojin status.
  5. Life—Reserved for those members who have contributions of distinction to the Society as determined by the Board of Directors. Dues for this classification shall be waived.

The Board of Directors shall designate additional classes of membership as the need arises.

Section 4. Dues and Fees

Dues and fees shall be determined by the Board of Directors. Membership dues shall be due on January 1 each year.

Section 5. Annual Membership Business Meeting

The annual membership meeting shall be held once a year in the San Francisco Bay Area, or the Monterey Bay Area, California, United States. Notice shall be provided to each member at least fourteen days in advance and shall include the report of the Nominating Committee and any changes in the Bylaws proposed by members through the Board of Directors.

A majority vote of members present shall be required to pass changes to the Bylaws and to elect officers.

Section 6. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall be composed of the founders and the elected officers. The term of office of the Board of Directors shall be two years; reelection shall be permissible. The Board of Directors shall determine policy subject to the limitations contained in these Bylaws. (Kiyoshi and Kiyoko Tokutomi, founders and Executive Directors of the Yuki Teikei (有季定型) Haiku Society, shall be life members of the Society and shall hold permanent office on the Board of Directors with full voting power.)


The founders of the Society are the Executive Directors, hereinafter referred to as founders. Elected officers of the Society shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary.

Duties of Officers.

The President shall preside at all meetings. The President shall appoint committees and appoint members to fill vacancies on the Board of Directors subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The Vice Presidents shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of the President or as delegated by the President .

The Treasurer shall have custody of the Haiku Society’s funds under supervision of the Board, make disbursements up to the limit set by the Board, keep records and accounts and, as may be required, submit a report of financial condition to the Board, and present an accurate accounting to the annual meeting.

The Recording Secretary shall keep records of all proceedings of the Board and of the meetings of the Society. In the event of the Recording Secretary’s absence, the President can appoint a temporary replacement.

Chain of Succession.

In the event the President cannot function, the chain of succession shall be First Vice President, Second Vice President, Treasurer, and Recording Secretary.


A minimum of three members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Election of Officers.

Election of Officers shall be determined by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting. Officers shall take office immediately following election.

Section 7. Committees and Appointments

The President shall appoint chairs to the following committees, and other committees, as the President or Board of Directors deems necessary, and the chairs will serve in an advisory capacity to the Board.

Nominating: The President shall appoint three members to propose candidates for the Board.

Saijiki (時記): Members shall support, promote, and update the regional saijiki.

Social: The duties shall be the planning of ginkō haiku walks (吟行) and other haiku-related social events.

Geppo (月報): It shall be the duty of this committee to publish a haiku newsletter for members at stated intervals.

Members’ Anthology: The Society shall publish a Members’ Anthology at least once a year. This anthology shall reflect the basic purposes of this Society.

Archives: An archivist shall be appointed by the President and the archivist may recruit other members to assist in the work.

Website: The President will appoint a website minder to update the Society’s website.

Membership: The Membership Secretary, appointed by the President, shall keep a roster of members, contact information, and membership status. Contact information of members can be given only to Members of the Board, Geppo editor, the Anthology editor, and the Haiku Retreat Chair.

Social Media: This committee shall be responsible for posting Society news and announcements.

Section 8. Expenditures and Finances

All funds of the Haiku Society shall be deposited in a general fund. Withdrawals shall be made from the fund for expenditures previously approved by the Board for functions of existing committees. Checks shall be signed by one officer of up to three designated.

The Board shall adopt a budget for each coming year.

The Board may authorize special expenditures to meet contingencies.

Section 9. Procedures

Amendments to the Bylaws: These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at a duly-noticed meeting. Amendments must be submitted by at least three members in writing to the Board.